Scrum Masters ask me for help with Product Owner coaching constantly. It’s popular for good reasons. Scrum mastery is a career that evolves through professional experience, often ambushing you when you least expect it. Most Scrum Masters haven’t navigated the product management landscape before landing in their coaching role. As a result, Scrum Masters typically excel at coaching Product Owners within the Scrum Guide but feel overwhelmed when venturing into product management tools, tactics, and business strategy.

Personal Sprint Goal ‘I have conversation confidence in the product management context’

30-day timebox, 3 product backlog items.

Uncover enterprise and portfolio goals.

Start by hunting down your organization’s strategic objectives. They’re usually hiding in plain sight – check your company website, internal portals, or annual report presentations. Your mission is to understand the goals your organizational unit is responsible for. Once you find these documents, build connections with people who can help you understand not just the goals, but how they’re measured and why they matter.

Connect with customer experts

Who gets value from what your team delivers? Who in your organization knows the most about them? Customer-dedicated people love talking about their work. Build a relationship that will help you and your Product Owner later.

Find your favorite great minds.

Immersion in product management thought leadership will give you vocabulary, product management strategies, and essential frameworks and tools. The best thought leaders excel at concise communication – use this to your advantage! The product management field is vast, so start broad and then narrow your focus based on what resonates with you. 

My Short List of Thought Leaders

Teresa Torres – Master of continuous discovery and building the right thing Marty Cagan – Expert in product operating models and author of influential books Roman Pichler – Provides practical tools and frameworks Jeff Patton – Known for bridging the gap between UX and product management Melissa Perri – Focuses on product strategy and organizational transformation John Cutler – Offers practical insights on product development and team dynamics 

Christina Wodtke – Expert in OKRs and product leadership


Your 30-Day Action Plan

Week 1: Locate and analyze enterprise goalsWeek 2: Map customer touchpoints and expertsWeek 3-4: Follow thought leaders and begin applying their insightsThroughout: Document your learnings and share them with your Product Owner

Remember, this is just the beginning of your product management journey. The key is to start building this context now, so you can be a more effective coach for your Product Owner.

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