We all know the Sprint Review is a time to invite stakeholders to interact with the product increment and request feedback to help the Product Owner steer future investments. But have you considered…inspecting the Sprint Review itself?

Let’s face it, sometimes we can focus our inspection and adaptation on the product and internal team processes while neglecting the very people we serve: our stakeholders. That’s why I introduced a retrospective of our Sprint Review at a client, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer!

For months, our teams had been cranking out Sprint Reviews, but honestly, we were mostly guessing at their effectiveness. ‍So, we carved out 30 minutes at the end of a review to revisit the purpose, thank attendees for their time, and – here’s the key – ask them how we were doing!

The feedback blew us away. We discovered that our stakeholders found the Reviews way more valuable than we thought, even being sad when conflicts forced them to miss out. We also snagged some actionable insights. For instance, they craved more user anecdotes along with usage data for the product.

Here’s the beauty: thanks to the improvements, engagement and participation increased, and it sparked an ongoing dialogue about Sprint Reviews that extended far beyond that brief retrospective.

So, why not retro your Review? Here are some “Question-Mark Specials” to get you started:

How important are Sprint Reviews to you?Do you feel your input is heard and acted upon?What surprised you the most? (This one can be a goldmine!)What has been working well?What could be improved?What could make these Reviews must-attend events?Who else should be joining us?

Remember, this is just the kickoff. Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore other feedback mechanisms. Reach out to those elusive stakeholders who haven’t graced your Reviews yet! Understanding their perspective is key to crafting truly impactful experiences.

By incorporating a retrospective of your Sprint Reviews, you’ll not only elevate your product, but also forge a deeper connection with your stakeholders.

And that’s how you can get your Sprint Reviews unstuck. 🙂


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