Constraints, work capability, throughput and flow
Today I wanna tell you a little bit of a story about a festival in England. You know what the English summertime is like. We went to a thing called…
Today I wanna tell you a little bit of a story about a festival in England. You know what the English summertime is like. We went to a thing called…
How do I measure value for a major IT infrastructure piece of work? How do I measure value? Before I even get into, how do I measure value? What is…
Why is our definition of done so long? I don’t like to call the definition of done the checklist for how we do things around here. I used to say…
Have you ever heard of an interview being really bad? like REALLY bad? Come be a fly on the wall and watch a Scrum Master interview go really poorly.…
TL; DR: Stakeholder Trust Trust is the beginning of everything. I am hesitant to recycle an old slogan of a banking institute. However, in the context of becoming a learning…
Kennst du den Scrum Guide wirklich? Halbwissen ist gefährlich. Es führt zu Fehlinterpretationen. Hier stelle ich 9 gängige Fehlinterpretationen vor, damit dir niemand vorwerfen kann, dass du den Guide nicht…